In this landmark judgment, Apex Court held that offence under Section 498-A of the I.P.C. is a continuing offence and that there would be a new starting point of limitation on each occasion on which the victim was subjected to cruelty. It was specifically held that the last act of cruelty was committed when the victim was forced to leave matrimonial home.
Arun Vyas & Anr vs Anita Vyas on 14 May, 1999
Citation: [1999 ACR SC 2 1456], [1999 CRI LJ 3479], [1999 CRIMES SC 3 90], [1999 DMC SC 2 247], [1999 JT SC 4 421], [1999 OLR 2 364], [1999 RCR CRIMINAL 2 828], [1999 SCALE 3 724], [1999 SCC 4 690], [1999 SCR 3 719], [1999 UJ 2 968], [1999 SCC CRI 629], [1999 AIR SC 0 2071], [1999 SCC CR 0 629], [1999 AIR SC 207], [1999 RCR CRI 2 828], [1999 CRLJ 0 3479], [1999 CALCRILR 0 297], [1999 AIR SC 0 1793], [1999 SCC 4 691], [2000 BOMCR SC 1 233], [1999 SUPREME 5 458]
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Orissa High Court passed a similar judgment here.