Supreme Court in this Suo moto Civil Writ Petition, had extended the limitation period from 15 March 2020 until further orders, due to the situation created by COVID-19
In Re Cognizance for Extension of Limitation on 23 Mar 2020
On 06-05-2020, The limitation was extended for all periods of limitation prescribed under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and under section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 shall be extended with effect from 15.03.2020 till further orders.
In Re Cognizance for Extension of Limitation on 06 May 2020
RBI was allowed to decide on the extension of any limitation that may be available under Banking Regulation Act,1949.
With reference to the prayer, that the period of validity of a cheque be extended, we find that the said period has not been prescribed by any Statute but it is a period prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India under Section 35-A of the Banking Regulation Act,1949. We do not consider it appropriate to interfere with the period prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India, particularly, since the entire banking system functions on the basis of the period so prescribed.
The Reserve Bank of India may in its discretion, alter such period as it thinks fit. Ordered accordingly.
Also on 20-07-2020, Whatsapp was allowed as one of the mode of serving notices.
Service of notices, summons and exchange of pleadings/documents, is a requirement of virtually every legal proceeding. Service of notices, summons
and pleadings etc. have not been possible during the period of lockdown because this involves visits to post offices, courier companies or physical delivery of notices, summons and pleadings. We, therefore, consider it appropriate to direct that such services of all the above may be effected by e-mail, FAX, commonly used instant messaging services, such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal etc. However, if a party intends to effect service by means of said instant messaging services, we direct that in addition thereto, the party must also effect service of the same document/documents by e-mail, simultaneously on the same date.
In Re Cognizance for Extension of Limitation on 10 Jul 2020
Supreme Court heard arguments and reserved it’s orders. Related news here.
In Re Cognizance for Extension of Limitation on 04 Mar 2021
Final Order passed on 08-03-2021.
4 In Re Cognizance for Extension of Limitation on 08 Mar 2021
On 27-04-2021, within 1 month of passing final order and disposing the petition, COVID-19 cases started to rise, so Supreme Court had to restore the Order passed on 23 Mar 2020
5 In Re Cognizance for Extension of Limitation on 27 Apr 2021
On 23-09-2021, Supreme Court ended the relaxation given to the limitation via March 8th Order.
7 In Re Cognizance for Extension of Limitation on 23 Sep 2021
On 10-01-2022, Supreme Court had to restore the order dt: 23-03-2020 given relaxation to the limitation, until 28-02-2022.
8 In Re Cognizance for Extension of Limitation on 10 Jan 2022