The (back) Story for me to come up with
Not a big story teller. I am also one among you, the many people in India, who routinely get implicated in false legal cases by some unscrupulous women. Nevertheless, here goes my story.
I too was stunned to see my elderly parents falsely implicated for no crime of theirs in IPC 498A, 3/4 DP Act and Domestic Violence Cases. Initial reaction was a mix of cringing fear, utter disbelief, boundless anger, total helplessness, not in that exact order though. Scrambling for help from all friends and family and scouting for legal support. Myriad thoughts around what now, how to deal with the cases, how does the society around react, what about the name and respect earned over many decades by parents and other seniors in the home so on an so forth.
I still remember those days, before obtaining bail for my parents and myself. Very dreadful scenes rolling in front of my eyes, constant fear of something terrible happening to self or to parents. Seeing my strong father and mother in tears crushed me. No words can explain the pain. This was the phase where a minor thought would leave us exhausted and tired just for thinking about it. Lot of misguided people advised us which made the situation even worse.
Some days passed after getting bail for three of us against IPC 498A criminal case. Police demonstrated their true colors in the station by showing their fake ‘concern’ for us and assuring us their best support, of course in their ‘interest’ only.
Interval Bang
Gaining our footing in this chaos and re-organizing our lives to battle these cases took some months. Lot of consolidation around your cell numbers, addresses, jobs, investments happened. We gained confidence as we started to gather all the evidences, when (not a question of if) it comes to us to cross the opposite party.
Joined online forums and social media chat groups to understand the gravity and vile consequences of misuse of well-intended laws in India. Over the next many months, reading, chatting, posting on these knowledge repositories brought out the confidence in us. Helped make friendships of vital importance. Among the various principles, postulates, processes proposed by these various group, filtered out that essence which is applicable to my cases.
Consoled and convinced my parents that this turn of events are for our own good, in a sense. Have put together a To-Do list and working to complete them on time. One of those is to complete LLB. See progress being made on this front by clicking here.
Other thing that I did is to file my first PIL in the Honourable High Court of Andhra Pradesh at Amaravathi. Get the Story here.
Another decision taken (frankly, this was the reason to go for LLB in the first place) was that myself as well as my parents are Party(s)-in-person in the twin false cases laid on our family. We draft our own petitions, we appear in court ourselves, we argue our cases and GOD-willing, we will win our cases too. All our work on our cases is available here.
Why go PIP? One may ask. Read on here.
Also started providing paid consulting and drafting services for paying clients. Being a jobless full-time law student, I need to fend for myself. I see no crime in charging clients, as long as I provide the best timely legal advice and do not extort. Oh, by the way, my competent Legal team delivers time-bound legal reliefs to victims of false family and matrimonial cases at !!! We are on social media too. Just google for: Anagha Legal Reliefs
Picture abhi baaki hey mere dost !!!
Here are the Site Stats.
- Site setup here on WordPress on March 21, 2018 with few judgments, a gallery of fun, motivations pictures
- Crossed 100 posts completed on May 5, 2018 (on average, around 2 posts everyday) which included few more judgments, previous year’s study material for AP LAWCET
- Completed 150th post here on May 21, 2018.
- Completed 200th post here on June 09, 2018. Added some wonderful judgments useful in my case, a post about a movie
- Completed 250th post here on June 26, 2018. Added good judgments related to Party in person, Change of one’s Advocate, further in DV Cases series, few judgments from Prakasham district.
- Completed 300th post here on July 09, 2018. Added good judgments related to obtaining Compensation via CrPC 357(3), response to my Call Detail Records RTI request, further more into DV Cases series, especially DVC judgments from Prakasam district. Also marked few judgments where the Magistrate has blatantly misinterpreted a famous Delhi High Court judgment to incline towards Knifes.
- Completed 350th post here on July 19, 2018. Added posts explaining the IPC sections pertaining to Perjury, some posts wherein Legal position is explained on Second revision inadmissability, no application allowed when judgment is pending announcement, few more judgments for perjury, Zero FIR and FIR Transfer, completed the Prakasam DVC judgments series, judgments that declared both civil and criminal courts can allow amendments to complaints to remove infirmities.
- Completed 400th post here on July 27, 2018. Added posts discussing whether evidence by way of affidavit is allowed in matrimonial cases, Matrimonial cases not applicable on those who are not relatives of husband, is it legal/allowed for courts to confiscate and impound passports of accused in matrimonial cases, some cases of revision in case of acquittals, put together a post for legal abbreviations, first DVC from West Godavari district.
- Completed 450th post here on August 31, 2018. Agreed, the pace has slowed down to complete this last 50 posts. This time around focus has been on topics such as ‘Contempt of court’ cases, Levy of cost for perjury, some landmark cases on maintenance, ‘Seek unmarked documents with prosecution’, ‘admissibility of second FIR’, ‘Grant of divorce to husband on cruelty ground’, ‘When can divorced folks re-marry’, ‘guidelines and strategies to follow when fighting false cases’ and also added remaining section attracting perjury, few celebrity cases of Jessical Lall, Nitya Dharmananda, Om Puri, Dimple Khanna and V.K. Sasikala.
- Completed 500th post here on September 18, 2018. Added ‘The Andhra Pradesh Dowry Prohibition Rules, 1998’ and some DP Act related judgments, Lots of judgments around Bail, Anticipatory Bail and cancellation thereof, Updated judgment on Rajesh Sharma July 27, 2017 judgment, Compensation under CrPC 357, Exemption From Personal Appearance, Many landmark judgments around Anticipatory Bail validity, Quash due to no territorial jurisdiction, Contempt of Court judgments, How to go PIP (both petitioner in person and party in person) and finally some good perjury judgments.
- Completed 550th post here on October 18, 2018. Added Landmark cases such as one decided wrt the Examination of Complainant under CrPC 200, Framing of Charges is Quashed because of Improved allegations and after-thoughts, Trial for offence committed in India and for those committed Outside India, obtain Sanction from Government of India, Transfer of criminal Cases across states and that includes transfer to/from Jammu & Kashmir state of India, Precedence of CrPC 482 over CrPC 320, FIR Quash due to Settlement, Condonation of Delay in Appeals, Discharged under CrPC 239 as Cruelty Not Proved, And where Discharge rejected it was Set Aside, Go for Discharge under 239 CrPC before going to 482 CrPC, Compensation For Accusation Without Reasonable Cause under CrPC 250, Some Antics of Advocates, When Not to Discharge/Quash, Compensation In Accidental Deaths or Victims of Mob-violence or False prosecution or Defamation, Some mischief under Senior Citizens Act, One Accused May Be Permitted To Represent Another, DV Act is Retrospective, Discourage Roping in All Relatives of Husband, Same Allegations in IPC 498A and DVC, No Domestic Relationship Exists and Shared Household so No DV maintainable.
- Completed 600th post here on November 30, 2018. Added posts that are prerequisite for a PIL to get rid of 125 CrPC once for all, Judgments where Daughter is also equally liable to pay maintenance to parents/children, Started DV Case series of Chittor district, Discharge cases Under CrPC 239, Indian Contract Act, Gazettes of Indian States, Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007 and Rules, Previous Years papers of Semester 1,2,3 of LLB, Few cases under CrPC 256 – Non Appearance Or Death Of Complainant, Completed Anantapur DV Case series, A Celebrity case and a Terrorist Case.
- Completed 650th post here on December 18, 2018. Added posts that talk about cases where no strict proof of marriage is required under 125 CrPC to dole out maintenance including one landmark case, Daughter is liable to pay maintenance to parents under 125 CrPC, Objects and Reasons of PWDV Act and MWPSC Act, One judgment wherein maintenance under PWDVA granted for only year, Some landmark judgments on grant of Anticipatory Bail under 438 CrPC, Landmark judgments under Article 21 of Constitution of India, Goals set for myself via Legal Activism (Writs), Judgments in support and against the dual maintenance regime, one ahem ahem judgment wherein Husband has to be Incapable of Handicap for grant of maintenance under HMA 24, Same allegation in 125 CrPC and PWDV Cases, Study materials for LLB Students, Levy Warrant procedure under 421 CrPC and finally few judgments that say ‘Second Complaint is Permissible When Different Evidence Exists’.
- Completed 700th post here on December 31, 2018. Added the Amendments to CrPC, a case pertaining to ‘Second Complaint is Permissible When Different Evidence Exists’, landmark judgments around ‘Illegally Obtained Evidence Admissible As Long As Relevant to Case’, Complaint under IPC 209 should be by a Private Complaint and not by Magistrate, False incest allegations, EPFO Help doc, Landmark judgments around Article 21 of Constitution with respect to various rights violations, Compensation In Accidental Deaths, Compilations of Frivolous PILs, Adjustment is Permissible in Multiple Maintenances, DVC Maintainable After Divorce, Abuse Or Misuse of Process of Court, Any Person Respondent in PWDV Case, DVC not Maintainable After Divorce, Life cycle of a PWDV Case, ‘Journey through the years’ Series, Defence Documents may be Examined for Quash under 482 CrPC, Wrongful Prosecution, Some sensational cases (Aarushi Talwar case, Aadhaar case, Esther Anuhya rape case), Dowry Prohibition Act 2018 of Bangladesh.
- Completed 750th post here on January 07, 2019. Added lot of study material posts,
- Completed 950th post here on September 09, 2019. Added post related to 2nd PIL here.
- Lost track of counting posts. So will not be counting posts any further.
- Completed 1949 posts as on August 14, 2022.
- The site suffered exceeding the File limit in February 2023… Tried many tricks, as per my limited knowledge from earlier IT Industry knowledge. In May 2023, realized that IP2Location plugin has consumed most of the inodes. Deleted that folder and the File Limit usage came down to 7% from 101%… Big relief…
Now… Go and explore this site by clicking here and share your feedback via contact page here. Index page is here and my legal journey here.