This case emphasizes the importance of examination of material witnesses in proving the allegations of Demand for Dowry, the lack of which results in Acquittal of accused persons.
Rohtash Vs State of Haryana on 22 May 2012
Citations: [2012 ACR 3002], [2012 AIR SC 2297], [2012 ALD CRI 2 340], [2012 JLJR 4 97], [2012 NCC 2 308], [2012 RCR CRIMINAL 5 799], [2012 RLW SC 4 3745], [2012 SCALE 5 578], [2012 SCC 6 589], [2012 UC 2 1310], [2012 SCC CRI 3 287], [2012 SCC ONLINE SC 457], [2012 AIC 115 87], [2012 GUJLR 3 2199], [2012 CUTLT 114 1107], [2013 SCJ 4 636], [2012 SLT 7 1], [2012 AIOL 239], [2012 AIR SC 3318], [2012 CRIMES SC 2 324], [2012 CRLJ SC 3189], [2012 JT 5 451], [2012 SUPREME 4 88], [2012 KCCR SN 4 228], [2012 DMC 3 323], [2012 DLT CRI 3 6], [2012 MAHLJ CRI 4 97], [2012 CUT LT 114 1107], [2012 GUJ LR 3 2199], [2012 AIR SCW 3318], [2012 RCR CRIMINAL SC 4 539]
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