A single judge bench at Himachal Pradesh High Court held that when no prima facie DV is established, no relief will flow, even to children/other respondents.
From Para 3,
Ashmin Kashmiri Vs Pushkar Kashmiri on 04 Jul 20183. Learned trial Court taking note of such factual details in the application has disposed of the same with a direction to the respondent-husband to pay `30,000/- per month by way of interim maintenance allowance to the petitioner and her children, however, without recording any prima-facie finding qua the alleged instances of her maltreatment and her children by the respondent and his mother. Therefore, the appeal preferred by the respondent-husband has been allowed by learned Sessions Judge vide order under challenge in this petition with the observation that in a case of domestic violence in order to seek the relief of interim maintenance under Section 23 of the Act, a prima-facie case qua maltreatment and existence of the instances of domestic violence is required to be made out. Learned Appellate Court thereby has not closed the right of the petitioner to claim interim maintenance for herself and also the children and rather remanded the application to learned trial Court for disposal after arriving at a conclusion and recording findings qua the instances of domestic violence, which of course shall be prima facie.
4. The impugned judgment, as such, cannot be said to be legally and factually unsustainable. The same is upheld, however, there shall be a direction to learned trial Court to decide the application at the earliest, preferably within two months from today.
Index of Domestic Violence cases here.