Obtaining certified copies of the docket order in any case must not be a pain in the back. Rely on the following remedies in case of any trouble are the Court section offices.
The Rule 212 of Andhra Pradesh Criminal Rules Of Practice And Circular Orders, 1990 is as follows,
212. Copies to be given to parties:-
Copies of any portion of the record of a Criminal Case must be furnished to the parties concerned on payment of the proper stamp and the authorized fee for copying. Where the Judge’s notes forms the only record of the evidence copies of these notes should be given.
Rule 339 of the Tamil Nadu Criminal Rules of Practice and Circular Orders, 1958 reads as follows:
“339. Copies to be given to parties.” Copies of any portion of the record of a Criminal case must be furnished to the parties concerned on payment of the proper stamp and the authorized fee for copying
New Rule 209 of The Criminal Rules of Practice, 2019 for Tamil Nadu read as follow:
209. Application for copies by a party.— Every application for a copy of judgment or order or proceedings (including docket order) or deposition of witnesses or original document filed in or in the custody of a Court shall be presented by the applicant or his advocate and shall set out the case or proceeding number, if any, the name of the applicant, his position in the case or proceeding as the case may be, the name of the advocate, if any, and description of the proceeding or document of which a copy is required.
Case Laws:
- Subramanian Vs State of Tamil Nadu on 15 Nov 1991
- Pfimex Pharmacauticals Limited Vs Garden Finance Ltd on 19 Jun 2000
- K. Nagarajan Vs K.S. Ramasamy and Anr on 17 Jul 2003
- K.Ramaiah Vs R.Sudhakara Naidu on 04 Jul 2006
- Subramanian @ Ravi Subramanian Vs State of Tamil Nadu on 20 Nov 2007
- Rev. Samuel D. Stephens and Ors Vs Pastor A. Samuel Ramasamy on 27 Feb 2009
Vaddi Balaji says:
Citations with regard to get the certified copy of the court docket order
ShadesOfKnife says:
Judgements are listed on this same page.