Rajdeep Sardesai faced rejection at SC when he sought quashment of the defamation proceedings initiated on him.
Rajdeep Sardesai Vs State Of A.P.& Ors on 14 May, 2015Prior to this, AP high court also dismissed his 482 CrPC petition to quash the defamation proceedings initiated on him by Nampally Court.
Rajdeep Sardesai Vs State Of A.P. on 29 April, 2011The Index for Defamation Judgments is here.
Reproduced in accordance with Section 52(q) of the Copyright Act 1957 (India) from main.sci.gov.in/judgments, judis.nic.in, lobis.nic.in, indiacode.nic.in and other Indian High Court and District Court Websites such as ecourts.gov.in