Except for a paltry maintenance and residence order, rest of the beggings are dismissed by the Hon’ble Court in this DV Case.
Shaik Sahanaj Begum Vs Shaik Mohammed Rafi on 29 October, 2015
Except for a paltry maintenance and residence order, rest of the beggings are dismissed by the Hon’ble Court in this DV Case.
Shaik Sahanaj Begum Vs Shaik Mohammed Rafi on 29 October, 2015
One nice point raised by the Hon’ble judge in this order
Further it is admitted by P.w.1 and P.w.3 that R.2 who is a retired court employee has deposited Rs.2,25,000/- jointly in the name of P.w.1 and R.w.1 and also Rs.2,25,000/- in the name of younger brother of R.1, if that is so, where is the need for R.2 to harass P.w.1 to bring additional dowry along with R.1, R.3 to R.5, if really R.1 to R.5 harassed P.w.1 demanding P.w.1 to bring additional dowry, there is no need and necessity for R.2 to deposit Rs.2,25,000/- in the joint name of P.w.1 and R.w.1 from out of his retired benefits.
Kasukurthy Vijaya Kumari Vs Kasukurthy Bhaskar Subbarao on 6 August, 2013
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No DV was proved by Knife hence DVC is dismissed
Saiba Sreedevi Vs Saiba Sridhara Rao on 26 June, 2013
The Knife eyed share in houses and in lands of In Laws via this DV Case. Since maintenance was already granted in CrPC 125 case, no maintenance was granted in DVC. As there are no specific allegations of DV on respondent and also incidentally they got acquittal from the 498A case, no protection order was also issued.
Ballikurava Kiranmayi Vs Ballikurava Anjaneyulu on 5 May, 2015
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