In a short direction given to SEC Sri N.Ramesh Kumar, High Court said as follows:
N Ramesh Kumar Vs Nilam Sawhney and Ors on 17 July 2020In the meantime, petitioner is at liberty to take recourse as specified under Article 243K(3) of the Constitution of India, making a request to Hon’ble the Governor for implementation of the directions of this Court in terms of the Order dated 29-05-2020 in W.P. No. 8163 of 2020.
On this Direction from High Court, N Ramesh Kumar approached Hon’ble the Governor’s office seeking direction to State Government.
Hon’ble Governor’s Office was pleased to do the needful.
Secretary to Governor Letter to N Ramesh KumarNow the Entire Andhra Pradesh State is awaiting when the State Government will do suicide by not following Supreme Court direction which directly assists in invocation of Article 356 of Constitution of India, which will therefore dismiss the State Government and promulgate President’s Rule in the State of Andhra Pradesh. Will this lead only to Suicide of State Government or something/someone else is also to be seen as time rolls on.
The earlier AP High Court Order is here.