Justice Dipak Misra sitting in a Division Bench of Supreme Court held that, the story of prosecutrix did not inspire confidence so the sole evidence of prosecutrix unsupported by medical evidence led to the acquittal of the appellants.
Md. Ali @ Guddu Vs State of U.P. on 10 Mar 2015Citations : [2016 NCC 1 99], [2015 ACR SC 1 972], [2015 AD SC 3 181], [2015 ALD CRL SC 2 43], [2015 CCR SC 2 404], [2015 CCR SC 1 543], [2015 CLT SC 120 418], [2015 CRIMES SC 2 84], [2015 JCC SC 2 1327], [2015 OLR SC 1 856], [2015 RCR CRIMINAL 2 206], [2015 SCC 7 272], [2015 SCJ 4 178], [2015 WLN SC 3 18], [2015 SCC ONLINE SC 192], [2015 SCR 3 416], [2015 ALL LJ 3 489], [2015 CRI LJ 1967], [2015 ALT CRL SC 2 432]
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