In this contempt judgment, hon’ble Delhi High Court held that making false statements before court under oath, can be viewed as contempt in face of court and that it is entitled in law to invoke its contempt jurisdiction.
Even though reports were submitted by two Local Commissioners (is a person appointed by the Court in pursuance of its powers vested under Order XXVI Rule 10(2) of the Code of Civil Procedure and is normally authorised to examine witnesses, conduct local and scientific investigations and/or sale of property, perform a ministerial act, examine accounts, partition of property and execute any other order as directed by the Court) respondent no.2/ defendant no.2-contemnor made contrary statement.
Louis Vuitton Malletier Vs Mr. Omi & Anr. On 07 August, 2018The lies were: about the duration of operation of his shop from the suit premises as well as the type of the goods that respondent no.2/ defendant no.2-contemnor dealt in.