This is a landmark judgment from Hon’ble Supreme Court, to protect the folks who marry inter-caste or inter-religion and against the wishes of their parents, which could have led to honour killings or other forms of harassment and violence.
Lata Singh Vs State of U.P. and Another on 7 July, 2006Citations : [2006 AIR SC 2522], [2006 SCR SUPP 3 350], [2006 SCC CRI 2 478], [2006 SCALE 6 583], [2006 SCC 5 475], [2006 SUPREME 5 266], [2006 CRLJ SC 3309], [2006 JT 6 173], [2006 ANJ SC 2 313], [2006 CRIMES SC 3 41], [2006 AIR SC 3499], [2006 KERLT 3 375], [2006 ALL LJ 5 357], [2006 AIR SCW 3499]
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