In continuation from here, the knife filed for appeal requesting increase in monthly maintenance amount. It is dismissed by holding,
From Para 18,
Kunapureddy Swarna Kumari Vs Kunapureddy @ Nookala Shankar on 5 January, 2018The learned trial Court has discussed the provisions under the Domestic Violence Act and granted maintenance to the wife. The settled law is that if the wife has no means, unable to maintain herself, certainly, she is entitled for maintenance from her husband. But, in this case, the documents relied upon by the husband under Exs.D-3 to D-5 shows that the wife has got some means to maintain herself. The learned trial Judge after gone through the evidence let in by both the parties and the admissions made by them, considering the present cost of living conditions, granted maintenance to the wife. Under the above circumstances, I do not find any illegality or perversity in the impugned order whatsoever with respect to granting monthly maintenance to the wife.
Index is here.