A knife like complainant who by her adulterous life caused mental agony and family disorder both for husband and children was shown the door by the hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh in this Criminal Revision on a DV Case which was allowed.
The knife was living in adultery and neglected/left the children and ultimately wanted property of the brother of husband and custody of major and married children!!
Kolli Babi Sarojini And Others Vs Kolli Jayalaxmi And Another on 29 April, 2014As per the provisions of the Act, the proceedings have to be held in camera and to be tried summarily. According to the provisions of the Act, time fixed is 60 days for disposal from the date of the first hearing. This Act is to provide speedy remedy for deserving aggrieved person and for that reason, a summary enquiry is contemplated
Citation: [2015 ALL M.R. (Cri.) Journal 178]
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