A Bench at Goa of Bombay High Court, held that, Issues may be framed after Hearing Both Parties in a DVC.
From Para 13,
Jovita Olga Ignesia Mascarenhase Coutinho Vs Rajan Maria Coutinho and Anr on 24 Aug 201013. In civil proceedings after perusing the claim and the reply or written statement, issues are framed. Issues are framed when a material proposition of fact or law is affirmed by one party and denied by the other. The object of framing issues plays a distinguished role in a civil proceeding and the whole object is to direct the attention of the parties to the principal questions on which they are at variance and they are required to be framed for the purpose of having the material points in controversy rightly decided, and to bring a finality in the litigation. Unless proper issues are framed, a party who suffers a Judgment on the basis of findings not based on proper issues may have a legitimate grievance to contend that because of such non framing of issues he has been denied the opportunity of leading proper evidence for rebutting relevant facts. Issues can be of fact or of law and the duty is that of the Court to frame the issues. An issue can also be framed on the basis of the reliefs. Although in cases of this nature where there are no pleadings as such and the applications are filed in the prescribed form by ticking the reliefs sought, it would be desirable that the Court after hearing both the parties frames issues on the basis of the reliefs sought by the Petitioner so that each can meet the case of the other and avoid such orders of remand. If this procedure is followed there is no question of any of the reliefs going unnoticed and undecided, like the case at hand. This can also reduce the controversy between the parties, in case the columns in the application, were ticked earlier without much application of mind.ย
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