After Delhi High Court denied to set aside the MCD granted by ADJ Court in 2008, the knife tried to grab the children’s custody. Supreme Court had to take the feedback of minor girl children and deny the same to the Petitioner-mother (no more why due to MCD attaining finality, long back)
Gaytri Bajaj Vs Jiten Bhalla on 5 Oct 2012Citations : [2012 SCC 12 471], [2012 DMC SC 1 19], [2012 AIR SC 6102], [2012 SLT 8 6], [2012 ALLMR SC 6 438], [2012 CCC SC 4 663], [2013 AIR SC 102], [2012 SCALE 10 55], [2012 AIOL 448], [2013 SCC CIV 2 425], [2012 SCC ONLINE SC 833], [2012 AIC 119 55], [2012 ALR 95 597], [2012 KLJ 4 323], [2013 LW 1 886], [2013 CHN 1 9], [2012 RCR CIVIL 4 603], [2013 CDR SC 2 348], [2012 PLJR 4 246], [2012 MLJ 7 887], [2013 OLR SC 1 50], [2012 AWC SC 6 6396], [2013 CLT SC 115 509], [2012 ALT SC 6 58], [2012 SCR 8 1142], [2012 JT SC 10 139], [2012 AIR SCW 6102], [2013 ALD SC 1 127], [2013 SCR 1 116]
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