Supreme Court has settled the following question of law:
Bharatha Matha and Anr Vs R. Vijaya Renganathan and Ors on 17 May 2010the question of inheritance of co-parcenery property by the illegitimate children, who were born out of the live-in-relationship, could not arise.
Citations: [2010 AIR SCC 2685], [2010 AIR SCC 0 3503], [2010 CTC 3 654], [2010 JT 5 534], [2010 RCR CIVIL 3 252], [2010 SCCC 11 483], [2010 AD 6 478], [2010 SCC 0 515], [2010 SCCJ 5 442], [2010 ALT 5 4], [2010 LW 4 791], [2010 MLJ 7 953], [2010 SLT 4 419], [2010 AIOL 333], [2010 SCALE 6 53], [2010 SUPREME 4 433], [2010 SCCC CIV 4 498], [2010 AIC 91 54], [2010 CALLJ 2 176], [2010 ALR 81 230]
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This is contradicted (but NOT overruled) in Revanasiddappa And Another v. Mallikarjun And Others here.