A single judge bench of Bombay High Court at Bombay held as follows,
From Para 9,
Sneha Akshay Garg and Anr Vs Nil on 25 Jul 20249. Normally, we come across cases where parties continue to fight, though there is no possibility of reconciliation. In such cases, the parties are encouraged to explore the possibility of an amicable settlement and are even referred for mediation so that they can put an end to the litigation. However, when the parties apply for divorce by mutual consent, they have taken a conscious decision to separate and thus have shown a reasonable approach. Such a decision shows that they have decided to move ahead, and thus, there is every chance of rehabilitation. The newly married couple not being able to reside together, or a couple married for quite some time is unable to continue to stay together for various reasons, itself would be a mental agony. Thus, once the Court is satisfied that the parties have taken a conscious decision to separate and move ahead and that there is no possibility of reconciliation, the Court should adopt a realistic approach and exercise the discretion to waive the waiting period. Hence, it is the duty of the Court to assist the parties by exercising the discretion to waive the cooling off period and free them from the stress of their application for divorce remaining pending.
Index of Divorce Judgments is here.