After getting the Andhra Pradesh Ordinance No. 5 of 2020 Promulgated here, on 10 April 2020 by AP Governor Shri. Biswabhusan Harichandan, the following Rules were framed via GO and Gazette (G.O. Ms. 617).
2 10042020PR_MS617 Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj (Salaries and Allowances, Conditions of service and tenure of State Election Commissioner) Rules 2020
Corresponding Gazette
2 2020-04-11 AP Panchayat Raj (Salaries and Allowances, Conditions of service and tenure of State Election Commissioner) Rules 2020
Once these Rules 2020 were framed, the next steps taken are here.
A complete indexed and mess-wise segregated collection of reprimands received by this incumbent State Government of YSRC Party are here.
Shades of Knife
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